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[f.41v] [Inicium habes in principio huius libri ad tale signum [signum] in marg.]

Sequitur nunc practica notarum In quibus nulla fit mutacio quam diligenter tua mente inprimere debes qua acquisita habebis faciliorem aggressum ad illam in quantum vna commutatur in aliam et cetera

[Salzburg, St. Peter's, a.VI.44, f.41v] [ANOPRNO 01GF]

Nunc sequitur practica earum in quantum vna vox sew nota commutatur in aliam sibi subordinatam. De quibus dantur exempla hec sequencia que diligenter conspice ad mutacionem noticiam acquierendam. et cetera

[f.42r] [Salzburg, St. Peter's, a.VI.44, f.42r; text: fa in vt, vt in fa, Cfaut. vtfa. sol in re. re in sol. Dsolre. resol. la in mi. mi in la. Elami. mila. Ffaut. Gsolre. sol in vt. vt in sol. Solut. vtsol.] [ANOPRNO 02GF]

[f.42v] [Salzburg, St. Peter's, a.VI.44, f.42v; text: re in vt. vt in re, Reut. vtre. la in mi. mi in la. Alami. mila. la in re. re in la. Lare. rela. mi in re. re in mi. Mire. remi. sol in fa, fa in sol, Csolfa. fasol.] [ANOPRNO 03GF]

[f.43r] [Salzburg, St. Peter's, a.VI.44, f.43r; text: fa in vt, vt in fa, faut. vt fa. sol in vt. vt in sol. Solut. vtsol. la in sol. sol in la. Dlasol. solla. sol in re. re in sol, Solre. resol. la in re. re in la. Lare. rela.] [ANOPRNO 04GF]

[f.43v] [Salzburg, St. Peter's, a.VI.44, f.43v; text: la in mi. mi in la. EELami. mila. fa in vt. vt in fa, FFfaut. vtfa. sol in re. re in sol. GGSolre. resol. re in vt. vt in re, Reut. vtre. sol in vt. vt in sol. Solut. vtsol.] [ANOPRNO 05GF]

[f.44r] [Salzburg, St. Peter's, a.VI.44, f.44r; text: la in mi. mi in la. AAlami. mila. mi in re. re in mi. Mire. remi. la in re. re in la. Lare. rela. sol in fa. fa in sol, CCsolfa. fasol. la in sol. sol in la. DDLasol. solla.] [ANOPRNO 06GF]

[f.44v] [Salzburg, St. Peter's, a.VI.44, f.44v; text: Ela.] [ANOPRNO 06GF]

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